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What is the loan amount for the Youth Study Loan?

(1) For a master's degree or professional certification, the total loan amount is up to 1 million NTD, with a maximum of 750,000 NTD for the first year, and up to 1 million NTD for the second year cumulatively. For a doctoral degree, the total loan amount is up to 2 million NTD, with a maximum of 750,000 NTD for the first year, up to 1.5 million NTD for the second year cumulatively, and up to 2 million NTD for the third year cumulatively.
(2) Each loan item can be applied for only once, with a total maximum loan amount of 3 million NTD per person, not allowed for simultaneous applications. An affidavit of non-duplicate loan application must be provided.