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    • 2024-05-29


    Based on the shape of the letter "Y" in "Youth," use circles, squares, curves, and other geometric shapes to playfully outline the form of a lowercase "y." The combination of these three shapes represents diversity, inclusivity, and creative innovation, forming a confident smile-like figure that also echoes the visual impression of a QR code. The unit's name, in both Chinese and English, should be integrated into the design as a horizontal element, making the graphic and text a cohesive whole rather than using traditional text as a descriptive supplement. Harnessing the power of text can express the bold and confident characteristics of young people, resulting in a distinctive and trendy identity design.

    • 2024-05-29

    Department for Youth of Taipei City Government was established on June 1, 2024. Our goal is to support youth in diverse participation, career development, and international engagement, accompanying them in realizing their potential. 

    Key focuses of the Department for Youth include: 

    ‧ Promoting Diverse Youth Participation: Encouraging youth to engage in various activities, pay attention to public issues, and participate in volunteer services. We also provide subsidies for student and youth organizations. 

    ‧ Supporting Youth Career Development: Assisting youth in exploring their interests and identifying career goals through workplace internships and career empowerment. We offer entrepreneurial loans and support measures for various stages of entrepreneurial development. 

    ‧ Facilitating International Engagement for Youth: Organizing overseas internships, international volunteer programs, and opportunities for international youth to study in Taipei. These initiatives showcase the vitality and soft power of Taipei's youth to the world, while bringing more international perspectives and energy to Taipei. 

    Taipei is not only a premier and international city but also a friendly city where youth can freely express their passions and achieve their dreams.

    • 2024-05-29


    • 2024-05-29


    Name: Wei Yin
    Position: Commissioner
    Organization: Department for Youth of Taipei City Government

    Doctor of Law-JD, Monash University, Australia(2019.01-2020.12)
    Master of Law, Human Rights, University of Melbourne, Australia(2017.06-2018.01)
    Advanced Diploma, Translation and Interpreting, RMIT University(2018.01-2018.12)
    Master's degree, International Relations and National Security Studies, Aberystwyth University(2006.09-2007.08)


    Spokesperson, Taipei City Government(2023.03-) 

    Advisor to the MayorAdvisor to the Mayor, Taipei City Government(2022.12-2024.06)

    Communications and Media Coordinator, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board(2022.01-2022.12)

    Public Relations Specialist, Lincoln Minerals Ltd(2021.10-2022.01) 

    Head Of Public Relations and Principal Legal Officer, APH Holding Austra(2020.12-2022.01) 

    Chief Speechwriter, Office of the President, R.O.C(2014.05月-2015.05) 

    Spokesperson, Office of the President, R.O.C(2014.05-2015.02) 

    Deputy Secretary General, the Committee of Cultural Affairs and Communications, Kuomintang(2013.02-2014.05) 

    Spokesperson, Kuomintang(2012.02-2014.05) 

    Chief Executive Officer, Youth League, Kuomintang(2011.02-2014.05)