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What services does the Career Support Division provide for youth?

The Career Support Division integrates youth career development, internships, employment, and entrepreneurship into a one-stop service window, providing comprehensive career development for youth, aiming to be the best partner along their career journey. Services provided include:
(1) Pre-job experience exploration to increase workplace readiness:
Encourage youth to enrich career development, plan early for their career, and receive workplace skills training, reducing the gap between education and employment, increasing career choices, and enhancing workplace competitiveness. The Department for Youth will provide youth internship allowances, career development-related subsidies, and organize career development activities.
(2) Workplace empowerment internships to enhance competitiveness:
The Department for Youth continues to develop diverse internship opportunities, enhancing workplace skills and adaptability, and co-planning career directions with youth to prepare them well in advance.
(3) Entrepreneurship guidance to leverage impact:
To strengthen support for youth entrepreneurship in Taipei, starting in 2025, the Department for Youth will accept applications for youth entrepreneurship loans, along with mechanisms for young entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship consulting, a series of empowerment courses, and related subsidies, providing comprehensive assistance for Taipei's youth to embark on their entrepreneurial journey.