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The Youth Innovation “Have a Good Times Handicraft Market” Debuts: Department of Urban Development Leads the Way, Department for Youth Takes Over

Department for Youth of Taipei City Government was officially established on the morning of the 1st. In the afternoon, Commissioner Wei Yon promptly "attended the market" (a Min Nan term meaning to visit the market) at the Nangang Bottle Cap Factory. He attended the "Youth Innovation Good Times Handicraft Market" event organized by the Taipei City Social Housing Youth Innovation Team along with Director Wang Yufen from the Department of Urban Development. Commissioner Yin sought advice from the social housing youth innovation partners, hoping that after taking over the social housing youth innovation policy, the Department for Youth could provide even better services based on existing policies. Through interaction and exchange with the youth, they aim to spark vibrant ideas and co-create a rich community life.

In his speech, Commissioner Wei Yin first thanked the Department of Urban Development for the invitation and the enthusiasm of the youth innovation partners. He expressed his respect for the social housing youth innovation policy, stating, "Architecture can make a city grand, but it is the daily interactions, cultural accumulation, and interpersonal relationships that make a city great." Commissioner Yin emphasized, "Good youth make good communities; good communities make good cities." He noted that Director Wang Yufen was moved to tears during his speech because the Department of Urban Development has devoted many years of effort to the social housing youth innovation policy and has established deep bonds with the community. Now that this excellent policy is being handed over to the Department for Youth, it is their honor and they will go all out to become partners with the youth innovation households, living up to this expectation and mission. They not only aim to take over but also to promote and advance alongside all partners.

Regarding the handicraft market event, Commissioner Wei Yin noted that past markets provided basic living necessities, while today's markets are places to enhance the aesthetic experience of life, bringing interaction, atmosphere, and possibilities. Just as social housing provides not only physical living space but also serves as a base for community and cultural life. Commissioner Yin also mentioned that youth innovation households are often referred to as "the 10% power," but in fact, it is not just 10%, but 100% passion and creativity, creating 100% beauty.

The Department of Urban Development stated that the handmade market event held at Dongming Social Housing last year received enthusiastic feedback. This year, they gathered youth innovation partners from ten social housing locations and teamed up with the Department for Youth, which will take over the social housing youth innovation policy, to hold a cross-site event with the theme "handmade." They hope to introduce more citizens to Taipei's social housing through market interactions and to allow those interested in youth innovation and community contribution projects to understand community building and youth innovation activities up close. They look forward to the Department for Youth continuing to create new heights of "good housing, good neighbors, and good living" after taking over.

At the event, Commissioner Yin and Director Wang of the Department of Urban Development also walked through the market, interacting with the social housing youth innovation partners, listening to and learning about their expertise, passion, craftsmanship, and views on life. They experienced making small wooden stools, healing herbal tea bags, herbal salt, homemade perfume, and preserved flower diffusers. They also participated in small parent-child interactive games, enjoying the event with social housing youth innovation partners and citizens.

**Contact Person: Lei Siting, Department for Youth, Taipei City Government, 0919-295206**